Monday, June 7, 2010

Hanging Out at the Farmer's Market

I just realized that I've been so busy with life, that I've neglected any postings in a good while. What's been going on here is a bit of a heatwave. It seems that in one fell swoop, actually, one laundry basket, we've gone from cool, chilly mornings where a long sleeve shirt or sweater was a mandatory piece of attire, straight to shorts, tank tops, and really, wearing a swimsuit from morning until night.

The change of weather has also brought a bounty of fresh produce. The picture here is of the fabulous, amazing, super sweet strawberries that are a mainstay of the California Central Coast, and while we've been eating our weight in them, the real attraction, or shall I say distraction is the short cherry season. And tomorrow, if the weather cooperates and drops down into the 80s with a nightly temperature in the upper 40s, I will be cranking up the oven and rolling out pie dough and making my annual cherry pie. Actually, it's the only pie I make, but that's because I'm a total cake person, with the exception of cherry pie. That is truly the one and only pie that I lust after--who knows why? So, I'm here now, but I'm off to pit the cherries and make the pie dough and stash it all away in the fridge for a cooler moment.


  1. Mmmm, cherry pie.

    Thanks for the silicone swim cap recommendation.

  2. Yes, the strawberries do look awesome! Nice photo.

    I love cherry pie too, but I am beginning to think that the canned cherry pie filling has too much sugar or corn syrup or something. It's just too much for me. I haven't thought about making a fresh cherry pie. When I visit outlet stores I always think about purchasing a cherry pit removal tool. One day. For now I just grab canned blueberry pie filling. LOL
